» Blog » customized lamp shade for hotel table lamp floor lamp ceiling light pendant and chandelier lamp wall light sconces etc

ko e malumalu ʻo e maama ki he maama ʻo e maama ʻo e hotele ʻi he fungavaka ʻo e maama ʻo e mama mo e maama ʻo e maama ʻi he holisi ʻo e mama mo e ala meʻa pehe

September 30, 2022

customized lamp shade for hotel table lamp floor lamp ceiling light pendant and chandelier lamp wall light sconces and so on



ko e malumalu ʻo e maama ki he maama ʻo e maama ʻo e hotele ʻi he fungavaka ʻo e maama ʻo e mama mo e maama ʻo e maama ʻi he holisi ʻo e mama mo e ala meʻa pehe ko e malumalu ʻo e maama ki he maama ʻo e maama ʻo e hotele ʻi he fungavaka ʻo e maama ʻo e mama mo e maama ʻo e maama ʻi he holisi ʻo e mama mo e ala meʻa pehe

We are an amazing lamp shade and fabric of lamp shade maker in China.

We have been made more than 100,000 pieces lamp shades for the hotels and restaurant around the world.

The lamp shades in hotel bedroom and other publics of hotel will become aging and broken, when they are used for many years.

So, the hotel owner and managers have to update and custom the lamp shades for their hotel table lamp, hotel floor lamp, ceiling light, pendant and chandelier light, and hotel wall lamps and wall sconces, then they need a lamp shade maker professionally to supply the updated fabric lamp shade for their hotel lamps. Pea, yes, usually most of them will come to us getting the support.

Why choose us as their hotel lamp shades supplier? The point it is professional manufacture from us. We can supply all kinds of fabric for their different hotel lamp shades, and customized any size they need, and there are so many crafted lampshade masters in our factory. We supply the fabric of lamp shade for all lamp shade makers in the lighting industry, and the lamp shade as well. That is the secret.

For more about the customized lamp shade for hotel lamps, talitali lelei koe ki he ʻīmeili mai kiate kimautolú.

Our lamp shade factory in Chian, can ship the lamp shades to everything in the world.

Our lamp shade showroom will show all updated lamp shade designs in time.

There are cotton and linen and silver string materials in our store as the lamp shade material to produce the lamp shade as soon as quickly for our clients.

In the photo showing that the common sizes for the lamp shades.



Mahalo ʻoku ke saiʻia foki mo koe


    ʻOku tau maʻu ha feituʻu ke ngaohi ʻaki e ngaahi meʻa fungani mo fakahaha tupenu fakamalumalu, kau ai e ngaahi nāunau hangē ko e: PVC, PP, PS, KIʻI PUSIAKI, PC, ngaahi kāsinga’ trims/laces kiliʻi manu mo e ala meʻa pehe..

    Toe Lahi Ange, ʻoku tau ngaohi foki ngaahi tupenu pea mo ngaahi maama tupenu ki he kole ʻa e kau fakatau ʻi ha faʻahinga lahi pe pea mo ha faʻahinga lanu pe, naʻa mo e ngaahi sīpinga mo e ngaahi palani makehe ki he ngaahi māmá mo e māmá.

    ʻI he foʻi lea pē ʻe taha, ʻi heʻene hoko ko ha maama tuʻukimuʻa mo lahi ʻoku fakatau ʻi Siaina, ʻoku tau faʻu ʻa e ngaahi tupenu kotoa pē ʻoku fekauʻaki mo iá, ngaahi maama tupenu, mo e ngaahi nāunau ki he māmá ki he kau kasitoma ʻi he funga ʻo e māmaní.

    Ha faʻahinga fokotuʻutuʻu pe fehuʻi fekauʻaki mo hono tutu e tupenu/tupenu, talitali lelei koe ke fetuʻutaki mai kiate kimautolu.




    #3 Huaan hala Chuangye ʻElia Caosan Paʻake lalahi, Guzhen Kolo Zhongshan City, Vahefonua ʻo e Kau ʻĀkifuá,Siaina.

    Telefoni Toʻotoʻó:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    ʻĪmeilí: megafitting@foxmail.com

    ʻĪmeilí: sale@megafitting.com

    Uepi saití: www.megafitting.com

  • Ngāue Tokoní
    Tupenu Lampshade, Ngaahi maama tupenu, Mama tupenu & ngaahi kongokonga.