» Blog » we are making something for the hotel light lamp shades

urang nyieun hiji hal pikeun lampu lampu hotél

Agustusan 24, 2022

urang nyieun hiji hal pikeun lampu lampu hotél.

To our friends and customers,

We are making a big project in our R&D department for the hotel lamp shades.

Our guys, is updating the design for the new lamp shades for the hotels in a coming month soon.

urang ngarti éta sarta senang pikeun ngarojong konsumén urang, We will show you / anu mangrupikeun tempat teduh lampu penjualan panas salami sataun, hotelers, and lighting distributors the new lamp shades for hotel bedroom and hotel lobby and corridors etc.

We know the hotel need the replacement of lamp shades, and the new design of lamp shade for their luxury hotel and hotel upgrade.

We will make the new lamp shades in new fabrics and other new materials, and make some special, and innovative design for the shade to the hotels and resort.

The size of shade for hotel will include the chandelier small one to the bespoke large lamp shades, and unique designed shade for the lamp shades.

Let us wait and check our updated lamp shades in our blog of website, and in our showroom.


If you have any idea and special suggest for the lamp shades of hotel, welcome to email us and share the ideas.

And we are appreciated, if you would like to collaborate with us for the lamp shades jobs / business for the hotel.

Éta hébat, kadieu.


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    Kami ngagaduhan fasilitas pikeun ngahasilkeun klasik sareng modis lawon ngiuhan, kaasup bahan nuansa kawas: PVC, PP, PS, PET, PC, Ngan terangkeun dimana anjeun hoyong ngajual lampu lampu’ trims / laces parchment jsb..

    Tambih deui, urang ogé nyieun nuansa lawon jeung lampu lawon pikeun konsumén nyuhunkeun ukuran naon waé sareng warna naon waé, bahkan pola sareng desain khusus pikeun nuansa sareng lampu.

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    Sakur desain sareng patarosan ngeunaan lawon / lawon cahaya, wilujeng sumping ngahubungan kami.




    #3 Huaan Jalan Chuangye Area Caosan Industrial Park, Kota Guzhen Kota Zhongshan, Propinsi Guangdong,Bahan katutupan lampu.

    Mobile:0086 136 2270 3681
    Telp: +86-0760-22348167
    Anjeun tiasa kéngingkeun lampu lampu biasa kami di saham kami pikeun dijual di pasar anjeun: megafitting@foxmail.com

    Anjeun tiasa kéngingkeun lampu lampu biasa kami di saham kami pikeun dijual di pasar anjeun: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

  • Palayanan
    Kain kap lampu, Lawon Lampu nuansa, Lampu lawon & bagian.