» Blog » To the lamp shade fabrics customers from MEGAFITTING

To the lamp shade fabrics customers from MEGAFITTING

Mbudzi 4, 2022

Dear my customers:

If the distance between us is 100 steps, I’m willing to walk 99 chekutanga, and then wait for you take that last step, I’m willing to wait as long as it takes, because:




I like to work with you all for the beautiful and amazing fabric lamp shades, nemarambi ejira, machira magetsi, fabric decor lighting and so on.

As all of us know that the fabrics of lamp shade could be made different shades and at any sizes we want,

As all of us know that the fabrics for lamp shade is so amazing for the decor,

As all of us know that lamp shade fabrics are so beautiful to light up our life,

let us work hand by hand, shoulder with shoulder,

to make the most beautiful lamps from our lamp shade fabrics,

to make our jobs so proud by a lamp shade maker and/or lamp shade distributor,

to make the decor world a little difference,

because of our hard and smart job,

because of our amazing lamp shade fabrics,

because of us!


A diary from megafitting lamp and shade factory, Nov. 4th, 2022

Subject: About our lamp shade fabrics

Idea Source: from the reading on the lamp and fabrics.


yakagadziridzwa Hessian machira emucheka werineni yemumvuri wemwenje kubva kuMEGAFITTING lampshade fekitori yakagadziridzwa Hessian machira emucheka werineni yemumvuri wemwenje kubva kuMEGAFITTING lampshade fekitori



Pamwe unofarirawo


    Tine nzvimbo yekugadzira iyo classic uye fashoni machira emumvuri, kusanganisira shades zvinhu zvakadai: PVC, PP, PS, PET, PC, mithunzi’ trims/laces parchment etc..

    kuitira kuti iite pleated mumhuri asi maonero akasiyana pamicheka yemumvuri, tinoitawo mucheka shades uye marambi ejira nokuti vatengi vanokumbira pane chero saizi uye chero ruvara, kunyange maitiro anokosha uye magadzirirwo emumvuri nemarambi.

    uye yakarukwa yakarukwa yakaoma kumashure machira marambi shades etc, semupi wepamusoro uye mukuru wekuvhenekesa machira muChina, tinogadzira ese ane hukama machira shades, marambi ejira, uye machira emidziyo yekuvhenekesa kune vatengi pasi rese.

    Chero dhizaini uye mubvunzo nezve machira emwenje / machira, welcome to contact us.




    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye Area Caosan Industrial Park, Guzhen Town Zhongshan Guta, Guangdong Province,China.

    Vadivelu Comedy Mobile:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    ruzivo rwekugadzira mumvuri wemwenje uye nekupa machira emumvuri: megafitting@foxmail.com

    ruzivo rwekugadzira mumvuri wemwenje uye nekupa machira emumvuri: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

  • Service
    Lampshade Fabrics, Mucheka Mwenje shades, Kuvhenekera kwejira & zvikamu.