» Phụ kiện của sắc thái và đèn » parchment fabric in dark yellow colour and light colour from China lamp and shade fabrics supplier MG

parchment fabric in dark yellow colour and light colour from China lamp and shade fabrics supplier MG

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Parchment fabric in dark yellow colour and light colour from China lamp and shade fabrics supplier MG.


parchment fabric in light yellow colour


parchment fabric in dark yellow colour



1. Parchment Fabric Source and use:

Parchment fabric, Usually called parchment cloth in Chinese, is a specially designed material used to make a variety of decorative and functional shades (lamp shades).

Usually its texture and appearance are similar to parchment, giving people a simple, historical sense of visual experience.

The main uses include lighting decoration, lampshade manufacturing, kite making and interior decoration, v.v.

2. Features: Light transmittance:

Parchment fabric usually has a good light transmittance, can transfer soft light, to create a warm atmosphere for the room.

Light: the material is usually light, easy to cut and shape.

Temperature resistance: has a better temperature resistance, suitable for the lampshade and other products that need to bear the heat.

Plasticity: easy to process, and can be made into various shapes according to the needs of designers.

3. China PARCHMENT FABRIC’s largest supplier MEGAFITTING:

TRANG BỊ LỚN, As the largest supplier of parchment fabric in China, it has many years of production experience and rich product line.

Its specific performance may include: Large production: MEGAFITTING As the industry leader, it may have high production capacity to meet the needs of domestic and foreign markets.

High market share: Due to its excellent product quality and service, MEGAFITTING may have a high market share. Brand influence: As a leading enterprise, MEGAFITTING has a wide range of brand recognition and influence.

Innovation ability: may continue to invest in research and development and innovation, developing new materials and products to meet the market demand.

These are only based on the common situation of the industry and the general characteristics of parchment cloth speculated information. For specific supplier historical performance and detailed data, it is recommended to visit MEGAFITTING’s website directly or contact it for the most accurate information.








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    Chúng tôi có cơ sở để sản xuất cổ điển và thời trang vải bóng mát, bao gồm các vật liệu sắc thái như: PVC, PP, PS, VẬT CƯNG, PC, Shades’ trims / laces giấy da, v.v..

    Nhiều hơn, chúng tôi cũng làm màu vảiđèn vải Cho khách hàng yêu cầu về bất kỳ kích thước và bất kỳ màu sắc, ngay cả các mẫu và thiết kế đặc biệt cho các sắc thái và đèn.

    Trong một từ, là nhà cung cấp vải chiếu sáng hàng đầu và lớn ở Trung Quốc, chúng tôi sản xuất tất cả các sắc thái vải liên quan, đèn vải, và phụ kiện vải để chiếu sáng cho khách hàng trên toàn thế giới.

    Bất kỳ thiết kế và câu hỏi nào về vải chiếu sáng / vải, Chào mừng bạn liên hệ với chúng tôi.




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    Di động:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    Email: megafitting@foxmail.com

    Email: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

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    Vải lamphade, Sắc thái đèn vải, Ánh sáng vải & các bộ phận.