Самоклеюча жорстка ПВХ-плівка - це золотистий матовий текстурний матеріал для тканинного абажура, виготовлений у Китаї з матеріалів для абажура компанії MEGAFITTING FACTORY 2024.
There are common self-adhesive PVC, and PS, ПК, ПЕТ, PP film in our warehouse for lampshade makers from all over the world.
The common size of our self adhesive rigid pvc film is 25 meters at H 1000 Мм, and H 1200 separately.

Самоклеюча жорстка ПВХ-плівка - це золотистий матовий текстурний матеріал для тканинного абажура, виготовлений у Китаї з матеріалів для абажура компанії MEGAFITTING FACTORY 2024
Construction of Self-adhesive rigid PVC film:
Face side:
rigid PVC / mat gold / silver/ antique/ brushed/white, translucent
~ 300 μm / 300 micron / 0.3 Мм
acrylic pressure adhesive / upgrade one made from our new machine.
Square quantity: ~ 30 g/m²
Adhesive strength :
after 72 hours:
~ 5 N/25 mm
~ 20 N/25 mm
Dimensional stability:
applied onto aluminium / Тканини / panel of acrylic / metal panel
after 48 hours stored at 70° C
application temperature:
service temperature range:
min. 15 °C
-30 °C up to +80 °C
For more and other self adhesive rigid PVC film from our factory:

пластик ПВХ самоклеюча тверда спинка з абажурних тканин виробництва КИТАЙ
Plastic hard back made by PVC self adhesive ps with paper film protection OF LAMPSHADE FABRICS made in China lamp shade fabrics factory MEGAFITTING
Plastic pvc sefl adhesive ps hard back as the base of lamp shde fabric made in China lamp and shade materials company MEGAFITTING
metallic PVC material of fabric lamp shade from China top lamp and shade materials supplier megaftting company
Colour and Finish metallic PVC material of fabric lamp shade from China top lamp and shade materials supplier megaftting company
gold and silve PVC roll for fabric lamp shade and modern lamps from China lamp and shade materials supplier MG company
clear PVC hard back film for fabric lamp shade with transparent effectvie for lights to go through
The film is to be applied dry.
Before application the films can be stored up to 2 years from date of production. The film
must be stored at room temperature (15-25 °C / 59-77 °F) and at a relative air humidity of 50-
60%. To avoid pressure points appearing on the roll surface, we recommend the rolls be
stored either standing vertically or in a purposely designed `hanging ́racks.
We take the right, without prior notice, to adjust, upgrade and improve the chemical structures or physical
characteristics of our products in accordance with our latest knowledge.
For more about our PVC, ПЕТ, ПС, PP Materials for lampshade, pls go to send us an email.
It is our pleased to get your inquiry for any question on lamp shade self adhesive rigid PVC film and other materials for lamp shades.