» Different fabrics' lamp shade » Drappijiet suede dell lampa » Suede FABRIC LAMP SHADES FROM China lamp and shade factory MEGAFITTING

SfUMATURI TAL-LAMPA TAD-DRAPP Suede MILL-lampa taċ-Ċina u l-fabbrika tad-dell MEGAFITTING

  • Description

Suede FABRICS lamp shade


drappijiet suede dell lampa mill-fabbrika tad-dell tal-lampa MEGAFITTING taċ-Ċina suede fabrics lamp shade from China MEGAFITTING lamp shade factory


MEGAFITTING, updates a series of suede fabrics and the suede fabricslamp shades for the clients around the world.

The suede fabrics is height at 1500 Mm, in different colors, and with an amazing laser points design in the suede fabrics.

We make the relevant suede fabric lamp shades as well, in the photo with the suede fabrics.

The suede fabric lamp shade sizes could be any size for any suede fabrics as the designers and customers want.

The common suede fabric lamp shades size is diameter 350 mm and 450 Mm, 12″ to 18for the American markets.

For more about suede fabrics and suede fabric lamp shades, merħba tikkuntattjana.

As a top fabric lamp shades manufacturer, we are happy to update and supply new design and new fabrics for the customers to make the new fabric lamp shades.

Għandna aktar minn 100 hand make crafted workers in our factory to make the lamp shades as per any designs from the clients all of the world.


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    Għandna faċilità biex jipproduċu l-klassiku u moda drappijiet għad-dell, inklużi l-materjali tal-ilwien bħal: PVC, PP, PS, DOMESTIĊI, PC, sfumaturi’ trims/lazzijiet parċmina eċċ..

    Aktar, nagħmlu wkoll sfumaturi tad-drapp U lampi tad-drapp għall-klijenti jitolbu fuq kwalunkwe daqs u kwalunkwe kulur, anke l-mudelli u d-disinji speċjali għall-ilwien u l-lampi.

    F'kelma waħda, bħala fornitur ta 'drappijiet ta' dawl kbir u ta 'fuq fiċ-Ċina, nimmanifatturaw l-ilwien tad-drapp relatati kollha, lampi tad-drapp, u aċċessorji tad-drapp għad-dawl lill-klijenti madwar id-dinja.

    Kwalunkwe disinn u mistoqsija dwar drappijiet /drapp tad-dawl, merħba tikkuntattjana.




    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye Żona Caosan Industrijali Park, Il-Belt ta 'Guzhen Town Zhongshan, Provinċja ta' Guangdong,Ċina.

    Mobbli:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    Email: megafitting@foxmail.com

    Email: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

  • Servizz
    Drappijiet lampshade, Sfumaturi tal-Lampa tad-Drapp, Dawl tad-drapp & partijiet.