» Blog » new Embroidered flower fabric lamp shade in hard back trapezoidal shade

new Embroidered flower fabric lamp shade in hard back trapezoidal shade

February 26, 2022

new Embroidered  flower fabric lamp shade in hard back trapezoidal shade new Embroidered flower fabric lamp shade in hard back trapezoidal shade


new Embroidered flower fabric lamp shade in hard back trapezoidal shade.

The embroidered fabric lamp shade means that the fabric is made by embroidered crafted work.

And more, the lamp shade type is trapezoidal, and rectangle from the corners on the horizontal view, but on the top-bottom is pyramid shade.

Wrth gwrs, from inside back is a hard back lamp shade.

Yn union, in the details what we want to care about it is the new design on the flower embroidered fabric.

Ie, as a top lamp shade fabrics supplier, we can make all types of embroidered fabrics for the lamp shades, most of the embroidered fabrics design is the different flowers on the fabric. If the customers want to make any kinds / types of flower and trees, and people style design on the embroidered fabric is available for us.

Our factory is not just only can printed the designs on the lamp shade fabrics, also, we have the machine to make any design embroidered fabrics for the lamp shade as per the designers / clientsrequest.

As you see in the images, we can make the flower embroidered fabric design for lamp shade in hard back shade by rectangle type, moreover,

we can make the same embroidered fabrics in other types of lamp shade in hard back, like drum embroidered, and round embroidered hard back fabric lamp shades etc.

Mewn un gair, we welcome all the customers to contact us for the order and inquiry of the embroidered fabric lamp shades, we are happy to supply the making of embroidered fabric lamp shade in hard back shade, and soft back shade as well.








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  • Gwasanaeth
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